Your Real Life is Hidden

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Here's a picture taken last night of me and Faith snuggling during small group. She was two weeks old on Sunday.

Speaking of polar bears, you should go see An Inconvenient Truth. It talks about the unprecidented impact our generation (that means everyone who's alive now, not Gen X or whatever) has had on the environment. We might be the last people to see polar bears, because so much ice has melted in the Arctic. They've been finding polar bears that have drowned--because they've had to swim over 60 miles to find ice to get out of the water.

It was a really thought-provoking movie that I went to with Caroline. I wrote a really long, in-depth review on it last Thursday, which disappeared into the atmosphere because my internet disconnected itself before I hit the publish button, so it was all gone forever. :( No me gusta.

The long and short of it is, we have to change before we all fry to death. Because it's happening. The movie was full of facts and statistics that are likely to keep you up at night. Honestly, go see it. And then change what you're doing. Because urban crime rates and teen pregnancy and poverty won't matter if our planet gets too much hotter because it will be like Revelations. It IS the end times unless we change.

Park the car. Walk or bike instead. Convert to solar/wind/hydro energy instead of coal. Don't just sit there!

See the movie and then let me know what you thought about it.


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