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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Something Good in the Mail

Don't you love it when you find a happy surprise in the mail?

Yesterday I got a letter from Immigration--and things are good! All they need to do now is interview me. They've even got the refund cheque coming to us. Hooray! So that will help tide us over until I get hired. Also, it means I'm almost a permanent resident!!!!!! I'm so psyched.

That's my good news. In other news, yesterday was Jason's last of three days in a row off. Now he has to work for seven days straight. Poo.

Last night also found us at Nathan & Andrea's house, eating some dinner and playing one of my favourite games in the world: Settlers of Catan! We had actually brought our game, hoping they knew how to play and willing to teach if they didn't. We found out they are Settlers ADDICTS, and they have all the expansion packs as well. OHMYGOODNESS!!! So we had a great time learning to play both Cities & Knights and Seafarers at the same time. And now I'm starting to think that once you have, you can never go back. I think I know what will be on my Christmas list this year.....hmm!!!

On a related note: anyone out there like Settlers? We should really get together sometime and feed the addiction. I'd love to play with five or six people, that would be absolute insanity. Call me if you're a Settler!


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