Here it is--the house we won the bid for and then, in the eleventh hour, got a mortgage for! We are officially moving to Cambridge--Galt if you must know.

Here's a wee view out of one of the bedrooms, overlooking the kitchen/pantry roof. That's our little garage in the back of the yard that we pull into from the alley behind.

This is the path to the garage from the kitchen door. That's a lovely grapevine spilling over the neighbour's fence--I'm hoping to make some cuttings of it and grow them this winter for a special project I'm already foreseeing in the spring.....

Here is the upstairs landing leading to the bedrooms and upstairs bath. All the times we've been through the house we've barely turned on the lights to try them out--the house is so bright and naturally lit--quite a change from our apartment facing an apartment that only gets about two hours of sunlight on non-cloudy days! Thank you, Jesus!

Our lovely sun porch out front where I can watch all the neighbourhood happenings (and store the stroller). Some parts of this house are just like my sister's--the sun porch, the garage in the alley. The rest of the house is like my Grandma's--drawers full of random things and saved bread bags and all sorts of other interesting things that show you a quite elderly, retired person lived here most recently.
More pictures to follow! Possession date is August 10, moving date TBA but you're all invited to help out (as I'm not being permitted to help besides administratively).